Mitch Zinser

University of Colorado Boulder graduate.
Computer scientist by trade. Tinkerer by nature.


My name is Mitch Zinser, and I graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a BS in Computer Science. My interests include distributed systems, machine learning, and big data. I am always on the lookout for new and interesting technologies to learn about and explore.

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University of Colorado Boulder 2012 - 2017
Computer Science, B.S. Boulder, CO

Relevant Coursework:

  • Operating Systems
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data Architecture
  • Software Enginnering Projects
  • Algorithms
  • Software Engineering Methods and Tools
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Introduction to Robotics


Apollobit (Internship) Denver, CO
Full Stack Intern May 2016-Aug 2016

Worked with a team of 3 other interns using the Django framework combined with AngularJS to quickly prototype a news aggregation website. This website aimed to show trending and live news to the user quickly, and without having to read individual articles. Became familiar with the MVC pattern, creating an API endpoint, and database design and integration.

LitMaps (Project) Boulder, CO
Big Data Architecture Spring 2017

Music popularity web app for my Big Data architecture. Used Kafka, Mongodb, Spotify API, and the Twitter API to track the popularity of Spotify’s top 50 songs on Twitter. Threaded Python application implementing Kafka to queue tweets for processing and ingestion into MongoDB. View on Github

Airport Data Analysis (Project) Boulder, CO
Senior Engineering Project Fall 2016 - Spring 2017

Module for my Senior Engineering Project. Used scikit-learn in Python to apply supervised machine learning and deep learning to airport data ingested from csv files and from a Cassandra database. Aided in integration of machine learning into an airplane routing algorithm. View on Github